Online Test Preparation
Free Official SAT Practice Tests
Prepare for your SAT by utilizing this site and practicing for your test. Also find information on registering to take your exam.
PSAT Testing Information
Information about registering for your exam and preparing for college.
ACT Test Preparation
Prepare for the ACT Exam and learn more about registering for the exam.
Student Financial Aid
FAFSA Online Application
Federal Student Aid, a part of the U.S. Department of Education, is the largest provider of student financial aid in the nation.
Sallie Mae Educational Loans
Sallie Mae is proud to have helped more than 30 million Americans save, plan, and pay for the education they deserve.
For Young Readers
2021 Picks
Reluctant Young Adult Readers
This year’s final list consists of 64 titles selected from 133 nominations. The Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers list identifies titles aimed at encouraging reading among teens who dislike to read for any reason.
SUPE: Substance Use Prevention Education
SUPE is an interactive drug education platform for individuals of all ages. It is free to use and has a large selection of resources that include:
• Videos for Kids and Teens
• Interactive Activities to Reinforce Learning
• Helpful Articles for Parents, Teachers, & Aging Adults
• Resource for all Members of the Workforce
• And more